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Thursday, December 22, 2011

I really need a dentist

I don't even want to get into how long it's been since I've been to a dentist.  Let's just say...  It's been a while.  We never seem to be able to afford that particular expense, and without dental insurance, it has just become something that, well, gets forgotten.  My kids get to the dentist religiously.  And I take good care of my teeth--always have!  I floss, I brush with my Sonicare toothbrush (and change the head religiously), I use the WaterPik to make extra sure I've gotten everything...  But I really, really need to get to a dentist.  I think I need one right now.  Really.  I think I may have a problem tooth.  But I'm not sure if it's really my tooth, or perhaps my ear, because it's kinda in my upper jaw.  Sometimes I think it's my ear, and sometimes I think it might be a tooth.  And it's been goin' on for a while.

...sigh...  Ideas?  Realistic, budget friendly ideas?


  1. Take an antihistamine to clear your sinuses, it will help with the ear as well. You will know if it is a tooth if it forms an abscess on the gum. It may even be TMJ which there is not much you can do...
    I have never had dental insurance. It costs close to $2000.00 per year and going every 6 months for a cleaning and fixing whatever needs it, I spend about $350/year. Budget $35.00 per month and you should be good....

  2. WOW. Thanks! So the insurance isn't even worth it compared to just paying out of pocket... I never even thought about an antihistamine--I take Zyrtec religiously (My allergies are awful; between seasonal stuff, stuff in the house--moisture problems--and pets, I have no choice there!) Guess that would all make sense since I have a cold and that seems to be exacerbating the discomfort. I'll have to see what else I can take with that. Maybe a decongestant?
